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Should I notify the bank if I will be traveling out of the state and using my debit card?
Yes, to avoid any disruptions in debit card use, we recommended you let us know where and when you will be traveling. To submit a travel notice, log in, and from the menu on the left, click on your name in the bottom left corner, then click Settings. On the mobile app, click Travel Notices, then Add Travel Notice. If using Online Banking, click on the General menu, choose Travel Notices, then Add Travel Notice. List the places where you’re traveling, the dates you’re traveling, and select the card(s) you plan to use. Then click Save.
Can I set a travel notice on Sunday?
No. Currently, Sundays cannot be selected for a travel notice. If you’ll be leaving for travel on a Sunday, we suggest selecting the day before as your start date. If returning on a Sunday, select the day after as your return date.